August 17, 2010

Carbon footprint reduction in DLSU-IT Department

On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 5:34 PM, OLIVER MALABANAN wrote:


In response to the initiative of DLSU to be carbon neutral in a few years, please implement environment friendly initiatives in your respective courses starting next trimester. We can start with the reduction of paper consumption our academic activities are having. The paper industry is the third greatest contributor to Global Warming Emissions. Every little initiative we do to reduce the paper consumption in our department is already important.

So here are my thoughts.

Some suggestions:

1. Use a blog to post your syllabus, announcement & other assignments instead of printing them on a paper. This can be accessed in the classroom.

2. Declare specific dates in the term as "green day", meaning no pork or beef meat in meals that day. Eating less pork/beef also lessens carbon emmision.

3. Encourage car pooling among students.

4. For those bringing their laptops, automatically remove the adaptor from the sockets after four hours of straight use. (they can also practice this in their homes). Use the phone alarm to remind the time the plug has to be removed.

5. Encourage use of recycled bags to bring home school materials instead of plastic bags.

6. Stop using plastic bags already esp. for takeout food.

Suggestions to the college:

1. As we clear up our tables by the end of the term, the college can initiate providing indoor small green plants to each faculty's table + the comfort room.

2. The college may also setup/provide bins for broken/old phone chargers, mobile phones & other technology gadgets.

3. Encourage use of recycled bags to bring home school materials instead of plastic bags.

Hope these ideas help.

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