January 19, 2009


**This is a group exercise. Brainstorm well. Be creative. Be cooperative. Be realistic. And be pragmatic..

1. In the advent of technologies, new terminologies are also formed or created.

According to AskOxford.com, Blend is the name given to a word formed by combining portions of two or more separate words. Wikipedia on the other hand tells us that in linguistics, the term blend is used to refer to general combination of words, and the term “portmanteau” is reserved for the narrow sense of combining two function words.

Example~~ cyberspace, Spanglish/Taglish, emoticon

Think of at least 5 new blends or portmanteaus related to your topic area OR related to ICT. Give a good description and/or meaning of the word. Ensure the context of these words have popular usage.

2. Lawrence Husick listed his top 25 innovations in history.
A. As a group, what will you consider as the top 5 innovations of the 20th century. Please rank and justify each of your answer.
B. Following his explanation that innovation takes place when there is failure or rule-breaking, give at least 3 examples where failure and/or broken rules become rule of thumb. Provide a brief explanation for each.

3. For no. 3, you may choose between A or B.

A. With an estimated 30% of a young adult’s time being preoccupied by his interests on social networks, list at least 5 major features or capabilities of the next generation of social networks. Make sure you are not suggesting something that is already existing.
B. Think of an application for the Ipod that will complement the urban lifestyle of young college students like you. Describe the application and list the features/capabilities.

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