August 09, 2005

Call for Hucoint Student Reaction-- Issue no. 1

In a class report made by Megan Quines, she said that according to CNN there is a rising demographic of high school students using mobile phones and PDA technology. This has caused some schools to ban PDAs and cell phones with the fear of cheating and student distraction.

Now let's have a hypothetical situation-- the university feared also the possible rise in cheating incidents and student distraction with the liberal use of mobile phones, PDAs, MP3 players and thumb/flash drives.

Hence, every time there will be an exam, the student who will take the exam will have to submit his/her techy gadget to the security. The security in return provides a claim tag in each of the items. There will be a pigeon hole to hold these gadgets/devices while the students take the exam. A student before entering the exam room will be scanned by the teacher with a metal detector to check if he/she has submitted his phone or PDA to the security.

Question: Do you find this solution justifiable? Why or why not? ( Make sure to give your answers in relation to the main issue.


Lorraine Chua said...

I believe that the students are responsible and trustworthy enough to handle their own gadgets.

Also by taking away the gadgets from the students and using metal detectors, they are subjecting the students to indignity by not trusting them enough to handle their belongings. Besides, how sure are they that they could ensure the safety of the gadgets while its in their hands?

I think that the solution to this is actually having an agreement with the students on the proper use of the gadgets at the start of the term and trusting them enough to keep their end of the bargain.

ellie said...

I think what the school did is justifiable since they don't want any cheating incident to happen. They just want to make sure that no one cheats by using their pda or cellphones. I think the students don't have to worry about their gadgets. It's kept somewhere safe and if something happens to those gadgets, the school should be responsible in replacing them.
It is said that when the students have exams that they have to surrender their gadgets so the students can still use their gadgets on other times to take note in a lecture or what.

Students should be responsible in listening to the teacher. If he doesn't, then it's his lost. He will just be wasting his tuition fee learning nothing. If someone is in an emergenecy situation relted to him, I guess the student has the right to use his cellphone. But if he uses his cellphone or pda just to distract others or gossip then he should wait until class time is over before he continues using his gadgets.

Keith said...

Keith Jefferson Lao - S11
It is not justifiable that a student will be checked by a metal detector by a teacher. A student like me would feel like being checked for a gun. It would also be a hustle to the teacher and the student because it would take time to check each student and put tags on each gadget, it is just not practical. And for me students don’t use their phones while having an exam. There are many other ways to cheat that are far safer from being caught than phones. And for me, a student would not use his/her phone in class, having an exam or not if the teacher will have a strict rule in the usage of gadgets. (-_-)

Shiro Ian said...
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Shiro Ian said...

Ian T. Jose

I do not find the solution justifiable. I find the solutions implemented here is an invasion of privacy. It will be much of a hassle for both the students and the security. There must be other more effective ways to prevent cheating that don’t invade much of the students’ privacy. I just find it very unethical to temporarily “confiscate” every gadget each of the students possesses. Why not just monitor the students while they are taking the test? In the proposed way, it would seem very unpractical to even have a metal detector. It’s like the students are being treated like untrustworthy individuals. Why do they even need to implement this kind of methods? Isn’t it that the best solution to this problem in cheating is to convince the students themselves that cheating is not a valid option? The same concept applies in the case of traffic rules. People shouldn’t abide by the traffic rules just because they are afraid of being caught. They should have the mindset to follow traffic rules because they want to do what is right and not because of they fear being punished. Of course certain measures must still be taken because we can never really ensure to eliminate cheating. They must be monitored effectively. Maybe cameras or monitors can be a valid solution?

corinne said...

Joanna Sioson

Ehh, no. Handing over your techy gadgets to the security guard yadda yadda should not even be CONSIDERED as a solution. Not that I don't trust security guards, but hello! Why would you leave something of high value to a complete stranger? No, not a solution indeed.

It is a matter of self-control to the student when s/he uses his/her techy gadgets during class. The student knows his responsibilities and should act upon it on his own will. That, at least, is my opinion.

Kris said...

Gutierrez, Krismond

I think that the proposed plan is not the best way to solutionize the problem, because it violates the privacy of a person. I guess the main solution to this issue is that we need to be responsible of everything. We are already mature individuals, and as college students we must act at the college level too. Cheating in the exams could be cheating the prof and the grades, but at the same time, i am cheating myself and downgrades my capabilities. In the corporate setting the most important thing is character and not actually the achievements. Character can't be bought anywhere!

Being responsible for anything would be responsible through the simplest thing up to the most complicated things in this world. An example it would be owning a cellphone, our parents would surely not buy us a cellphone when we are at our kindergarten level because they know that we can't handle that kind of responsibility yet. But upon giving it to us, we have that responsibility to take care of that and serve its use. All things can be a source of evil or sin when it is used in the bad way.

surrendering of gadgets on the other hand could be another source of issue. It could definitely lead to having gadgets be misplaced or the worst would be stealing of anothers gadgets and it is indeed very tedious to do. and i think it is already a SOP to follow that students are not allowed to use any electronic device in exams. It would be also on the other hand the responsibility of the professor to supervise and to watch over the students activities during exams.

JV UY said...


Definitely unjustifiable. Not to mention inappropriate.

I believe that it's ok to use a gadget inside a class as long as the discussion will never ever be interrupted. i also believe that one can send an sms without making such a big commotion. right? as for playing games and answering incoming calls, well that's a whole lot of story. doing the latter will be totally foul.

I don't think a student, like myself, would use a mobile phone or a PDA, or what have you, to cheat on a test. why? for the reason that you're goin to be obviously cheating. there are lots of ways to cheat and may i just say that they are a lot safer, too.

We are all grown-ups now and i think that we know what's right, what to do, and what not to do. let's just be the responsible student that we should all be.

Psychic Albularyo said...

Julian S. Montano IV

We, as mature adult students, affirm that we are responsible enough for the proper use
and care of our belongings. Such policies are a sign that the university hinders the proper
growth and development of people in terms of responsibility and honesty. It is also a waste of time, with the long line of students getting inspected just for the phone, and a questionable sense of security. A long line of mobile phones or gadgets
can be eye candy for would-be thieves looking for expensive gadgets to take.

I believe the best way to prevent cheating is to do what teachers already do at present. After all, students have ample time to remind friends and families not to call or text them during test hours, and we are worthy enough to be trusted with our phones.

Insel said...

i don't mind surrendering my gadgets to someone who is trustworthy and honest. the person who guards the gadgets should have a contract or agreement with the school that he is liable in case of losses. There should also be a camera guarding the gadgets as well as the guards. The solution is plausible if cheating is a rampant activity in a school but for a university like ours, students, from their very first day of classes, must be knowledgeable enough to know the possible consequences if caught cheating.

Insel said...
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Insel said...

i don't mind surrendering my gadgets to someone who is trustworthy and honest. the person who guards the gadgets should have a contract or agreement with the school that he is liable in case of losses. There should also be a camera guarding the gadgets as well as the guards. The solution is plausible if cheating is a rampant activity in a school but for a university like ours, students, from their very first day of classes, must be knowledgeable enough to know the possible consequences if caught cheating.