Syllabus on Emergency Preparedness in Communities
Course Code : EMER-IT
Course Title : Emergency Preparedness in Communities 2nd term SY 2011-2012
Credit Units : 3
Pre-requisite : Major IS core courses
Co-requisite : None
Department : Information Technology
Course Adviser : Ms. Mavic Pineda –
Twitter : queenandroid, #sos101
The course is intended to introduce emergency preparedness to IT, IS and CS students in the light that technology can support hazard mitigation, prevention and preparedness. The course also scrutinizes the behavior, the self-organizing characteristics of swarms and how they respond to changes in their environment. Different swarm models will be considered to provide working models on hazard and emergency preparedness of communities.
The main output of the course is two-fold. The first is a case analysis of a past, local hazard incident that merited emergencies. The case analysis includes a critique of the strengths, weaknesses and other threats of the incident. The analysis in the first output is fed to the second output which is a Flash simulation program. The simulation exhibits the predicted behaviors by individuals as experienced in the case; and the predicted behaviors mitigating disasters . Swarms with intelligence will be used as human representations in the programs.
Course Outline
Week 1
1. Course overview, expectations and requirements
Week 2
2. Introduction to disasters
What are hazards, threats and disasters
Hazard mitigation
Disaster preparedness
Rescue, response and rehabilitation
Importance of an evacuation plan
Assignment: An evacuation plan
Weeks 3-5
3. Common hazards in the country
Readings on Climate Change and Global Warming
Flooding and landslides*
Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes*
Demolitions and riots*
Dengue epidemic and viral flu*
Fire and fire in urban poor areas*
*Field trip to the bee farm & zoo takes place on the 5th week.
Weeks 6-7
Case analysis presentations
Week 8
Learning from the Intelligence of the Swarm
Definition and examples of swarms
Analyzing characteristics & behavior of swarms
Week 9
Experiment on swarm/human behavior
Online discussion - Extreme behaviors of swarms
Weeks 10-11
Fish and birds*
Grasshoppers, cicadas and locusts*
Butterflies and dragonflies*
Other animalia
Weeks 12-14
Final Project presentation: Swarm simulation
Learnings from the Swarm
*group reporting topics
Course requirements:
1. Intelligent reporting - 15%
2. Case analysis - 25%
The case analysis is a midterm requirement and will be used as the main context in the simulation program.
3. Swarm simulation program - 25%
The simulation program will be developed using Flash. This is the Final requirement.
4. Attendance to the seminars - 10%
5. Class activities, class EM blog & online discussion - 15%
Each group will have a page in the EM blog and everyone is enjoined to contribute.
6. Field trip to the zoo & bee farm– 10%
List of Seminars and Alternative* Classes
Flash seminar – 2 Saturdays
Open Lecture of Prof. David Merrick on Emergency Management*
Online discussion*
Field trip to the zoo & bee farm – bee farm, butterfly farm, crocodile & fish farm*
Goldstein, N. (2010). Global Warming. USA: Checkmark Books. (QC981.8 G56 G64 2010)
Lindell, M. D., Prater, C., & Perry, R. W. (2007). Introduction to Emergency Management. USA: Wiley. (HV 551.2 L56 2007)
Miller, P. (2010). The Smart Swarm. New York: Penguin Group.
Perry, R. W., & Quarantelli, E. (Eds.). (2005). What is a Disaster? USA: International Research Committee on Disasters. (HV 553 W46 2005)
Schipper, E. L., & Burton, I. (Eds.). (2009). Adaptation to Climate Change. USA: Earthscan. (QC 981.8 C5 E24 2009)